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Massive amounts of extremely turbulent waters suddenly meet the endless abyss of Dettifoss waterfall in Iceland, with liquid chaos ensuing right after the fall. The Universe seems to have its strange ways of always creating order out of chaos, and witnessing such water apocalypse giving birth to a steady and serene undulating river, makes me wonder if this isn't surprisingly similar to our path in life, often drowned in rather turbulent waters, but always hoping to finally head to somewhere less chaotic and filled with peace... Technique: Single 30 second long exposure photo. Collector will get the higher resolution version and/or physical print upon request. I fully believe in a symbiotic relationship with all my collectors, hoping to establish an everlasting connection for the future. My images will always be scarce and, after 18 years of photography, I know I will never stop creating and honoring the craft. 10% profits to Give Back To Nature Reforestation Project

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Collection Name
Emotional Landscapes

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The owner of this NFT is "joseramos (Jose Ramos)". He can interfere with all his information on the site by logging in to the site. Thanks to this service, which is our privilege in VIP status. You can add and delete NFTs, and get free lifetime use of the 3d model metaverse library. To become a VIP member, it is sufficient to purchase one of our NFTs or support our site by DONATE. People who pay to our wallet automatically gain VIP status. Our VIP members will be able to benefit from all the services provided by our site free of charge for life without paying any additional fees.

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joseramos (Jose Ramos)

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