Planet Endor, as it's named by the native colonists, is an earth-like planet in a densely populated solar system with twenty-six other planets orbiting Barnard's Star, a red dwarf about six light-years from Earth in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Endor is about 24 times bigger than Earth and its gravity is about 3 times that of Earth. The plant-like organisms on this planet are mostly small shrubs, flowers and grasses. Survival of the fittest is not something this planet is unfamiliar with and the colony first 100 years were a true struggle for resources leading the colonists to build their habitats deep within the rocky environment protected from the from Barnard's Star frequent high-energy solar flares. Star: Barnard's Star Distance: 5.978 ly; Temperature: 3,134 K Age: 10 Gyr Constellation: Ophiuchus --- Artwork Date: February 2022
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Imaginarium AI - Outposts
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