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There is always light, even in our darkest times. This photo was taken in a park that was plagued with forest fires during the time I visited. Each day, the landscape was filled with so much fog that very little was visible beyond the tree line. The park's beautiful mountains were not only hidden by the haze, but the light that normally lit the lake's silt into its famous turquoise hue, shifted to grey. As time went on, it was uncertain that the fog would ever dissipate, just as fogs of uncertainty cloud our lives with doubt at times. However, on this hike one morning, an outpour of light interrupted the fog for a moment to illuminate the lake and for me to capture this 4-photo focus stack. In that moment--my doubt & disappointment was interrupted by a defying ray of hope. When fogs of uncertainty part for a moment to warm us with light, we are reminded that the absence of joy is just a temporary course & that when the time is right--it will dissipate completely. - Jen Tai

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Black & Blue

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jentai (Jen Tai)

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