Beeswax is expensive. While the prestige of the Church has long since permeated the world, in the Episcopal City of Jordans Even though the sun has not yet set, the streets are still glistening and the city is also full of life. It is the 62nd day of the month of dawn. This year, once again, we are heading for the northern lands, where the "witch belief," a sign of heresy, is still prevalent. The Great Northern Expedition was imminent. 蜜蝋は高価だ 教会の威光が世に浸透して久しく、教皇のお膝元であるヨルダンスでは まだ夕日が傾ききっていないにも関わらず、街頭は煌々と照らされ 街の様子もまた活気に満ちている 黎明の月の62日 今年もまた、異端の証である魔女信仰が未だに蔓延る北方の地へ向けた、 北の大遠征が迫っていた
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