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from the dead, it comes. from the coffin it becomes. we all truly know, how things end for us all. to become one with the earth. and reborn anew. a piece of seed and a piece of ash. that is all that requires for me to rise. do not fear it, know that it is an old friend. do not deny it, know that is inevitable. embrace it with arms outstretched. for hope comes after the dark 無から、葬られたものから来たる、棺より来たる。 我ら全て、己が終わりを理解するもの。不変なき終焉の場所。 地と化して生き永らえるために、再び生を受けるために。 灰と種とで十二分 私はそこから生まれ変わる。 恐れる必要はない。それは旧き友人の抱擁である 拒む必要はない、それは必ず廻るものだから 腕を広げて受け入れよう 希望とはその暗がりの後に続くものだから

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Treasures of Hope

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The owner of this NFT is "gettt_better (-HOPE-)". He can interfere with all his information on the site by logging in to the site. Thanks to this service, which is our privilege in VIP status. You can add and delete NFTs, and get free lifetime use of the 3d model metaverse library. To become a VIP member, it is sufficient to purchase one of our NFTs or support our site by DONATE. People who pay to our wallet automatically gain VIP status. Our VIP members will be able to benefit from all the services provided by our site free of charge for life without paying any additional fees.

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gettt_better (-HOPE-)

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