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Loca-kun is a little traveler. After overcoming a lot of debris, he arrived at a dead end. After exploring the area for a while, Loca-kun begins to turn back the way he came. At that moment he felt as if the smell of gunpowder smoke mixed with the scent of dry earth was wafting on the wind. Loca's journey continues. ちいさな旅人、ロカくん。 たくさんの瓦礫を乗り越えてたどり着いた先は、行き止まりでした。 ひとしきりあたりを散策し終えたロカくんは、もと来た道を引き返しはじめます。 乾いた土の香りに混じって、硝煙の匂いが風に乗り漂って来たような気がしました。 彼の旅はまだまだ続きます。

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The owner of this NFT is "Takopon (Takopon)". He can interfere with all his information on the site by logging in to the site. Thanks to this service, which is our privilege in VIP status. You can add and delete NFTs, and get free lifetime use of the 3d model metaverse library. To become a VIP member, it is sufficient to purchase one of our NFTs or support our site by DONATE. People who pay to our wallet automatically gain VIP status. Our VIP members will be able to benefit from all the services provided by our site free of charge for life without paying any additional fees.

Donation Wallet: 0x5Fa8a107ba6B2A6375762621a9C100FC1Ea92Ff9

Takopon (Takopon)

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